My Week in Movies, 2017 Weeks 7-27

This has gotten really out of hand. I mean, it’s just gotten silly, right? I’ve not posted a weekly update for months, and still have movies from February that haven’t been covered, and I can’t take it any more. So what I’ve gone and done is written a mini review for every damn movie I’ve seen in the past 5 months and stacked them all in this post. That’s 70 movies, by the way. Read it, don’t read it, I don’t mind, just know that my brain is a little less stressed over it.
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My Week in Movies, 2016 Week 8

So this whole “Posting My Week in Movies posts on a Friday” thing isn’t really working out so well, is it? Turns out in the past I could always use the weekend as prep time for the post, and fine tune it on a Monday, but now my weeks are so jammed with all the other nonsense in my life (y’know, superfluous stuff like the dog, cooking dinner, going to work, all that garbage) I don’t seem to find the time during the week. Then Friday night rolls around and all I want to do is collapse face down into a pile of the nearest thing that won’t impale me when I fall on it, until Sunday rolls around and I’ve still not written this damn thing. And I still want to write it! I love writing these posts, I’d just love to have one hour a week where the only thing I can possible do is write about the films I’ve seen and the random bullshit I’ve done with my time.
Also, it’s the end of the month tomorrow, which means the end of a set of targets. As it stands I’ve watched everything necessary to tick off everything in February, I just don’t have the reviews to back that statement up. I’ve got seven films still to review, and 28 hours in which to review them to meet the deadline. If that happens, and that’s a very unlikely “if”, then it’d be almost unfair on the films I’m reviewing to have them all squashed up and sharing a day, so instead I’ll face up to not meeting this month’s writing challenges on time, and will instead dole out the reviews daily until I’m caught up that way. Hey, it’s my blog, they’re my deadlines, I can change them as I choose.
Oh, and the Oscars? You know, the ones that are starting in a few hours? Yeah, I’m not watching them. I’ve got a meeting in the morning and am choosing to sleep rather than watch a bunch of films I haven’t seen winning awards I don’t ultimately care about. I’ve got very few horses in this race, and the ones I truly want to win (The Martian, Matt Damon, Mark Rylance, Jennifer Jason Leigh, George Miller) probably wont, so I’ll catch up on Chris Rock’s best bits online tomorrow and move on with my life. Speaking of my life, here’s what I’ve watched in this past week-and-a-bit:
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