My Week in Movies, 2017 Weeks 33-52

Oh jeez. It’s been… holy hell it’s been months. I’m sorry. Really I am. Things just got away from me and kept on going. That’s the past now though, let’s celebrate the here and now. If you’ve been wondering what I’ve been up to for the past half a year, well:

I designed, made, wrote instructions for and recorded a video of an origami Blade Runner unicorn for Total Film magazine, which can be seen here. I used to read Total Film a bunch growing up, so this was kind of a bucket list item, even if it wasn’t really in a movie capacity.
Built a Lego Millenium Falcon (the one from The Force Awakens, not the new giant one) and a Lego First Order Heavy Assault Walker.
Started watching E.R., and finished series 1 & 2
Met up with fellow LAMB friends from America and the UK – some for the first time – and found many snarky things to bond over
Archived a bunch of Lambcast shows, though still not up to date
Made 1,000 origami cranes
Spent a solid 10 hours making fudge
Spent a solid 6 hours making brownies
Watched a bunch of Harrison Ford movies
Planned an extended James Bond marathon
Failed to accomplish said James Bond marathon, instead just watched two movies over a period of a month
A new 1001 book came out and I’ve barely even looked at the new additions.
Became an uncle
Saw Jurassic Park on the big screen for the first time, at my first outdoor screening, and still found new details even after all these years.
Attended my first funeral (my partner’s grandfather passed away) and gave a reading at it, despite probably being the person there who knew him the least.
Attempted to write this post at least 26 times.
Visited Canada, specifically Victoria, Tofino and Vancouver, where we saw bears, whales, otters and raccoons, and I tried a bunch of new food including poutine (I know it’s just chips, cheese and gravy, but I really thought it’d be more than the sum of its parts), fish tacos and artichokes.
And oh yeah, I went and got married, no big deal. That’s what the cranes, fudge and brownies were for.

Anyway, in all that time I have also watched a bunch of movies, so let’s get down to business. Here’s everything I saw since the last one of these posts:
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My Week in Movies, 2017 Weeks 7-27

This has gotten really out of hand. I mean, it’s just gotten silly, right? I’ve not posted a weekly update for months, and still have movies from February that haven’t been covered, and I can’t take it any more. So what I’ve gone and done is written a mini review for every damn movie I’ve seen in the past 5 months and stacked them all in this post. That’s 70 movies, by the way. Read it, don’t read it, I don’t mind, just know that my brain is a little less stressed over it.
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My Week in Movies, 2016 Week 52

This is the last weekly post of the year, but soon (hopefully) I’ll be posting my grander retrospective on the year as a whole, so I’ll not go into too much detail today about the targets and how well I may not have done with them. Instead, I watched a whole bunch of movies over the holiday period, so let’s talk about them instead!
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My Week in Movies, 2016 Weeks 31 and 32

This past week I turned 29, an age generally only noteworthy for being the last chance to do everything you’d planned to do before turning 30. At this point it might be expected for me to list those remaining things I’ve yet to cross off, as some form of checklist for the coming 12 months but – and I fear this may be perhaps the most depressing notion I’ve come across – I have none. I’m not bragging and crowing about how I’ve accomplished all I’d set out to do, and am over a year ahead of my lifelong schedule, no, instead it would seem that I never had any goals of this kind. No grand plan to follow, no aspirations in life. The path I’m travelling is one I have no map or compass for, no earthly clue where it may lead, and no real destination in site. You might think this is somewhat liberating, but you see I yearn for such an aim. I crave something to head for. That’s probably why I occasionally dedicate this blog to wading through various movie lists, else otherwise what would I possibly write about? And if anything, it’s these lists that are my one concrete goal, completing them is the one clear (if incredibly distant) point in my future. Outside of them, I really have no clue.

Turning 29 does have a different significance for me, personally though. I’m sure I’ve made reference in the past – probably when I first started the 1001 List, so I’ll forgive you if you’ve forgotten – that I once had a dream that I’d die at a certain age. I didn’t put a great deal of stock in this notion, but it’s one that has stuck with me, niggling at the back of my mind. The age at which I always thought I’d pass was 28 years old. The number of months, weeks and days into that year were never specified, so whilst the past year hasn’t been spent with my back pressed firmly against every wall, head on a swivel seeking out my impending, imminent demise, I’d be lying if I said it hadn’t crossed my mind from time to time. In fact my quest through the 1001 List even began with an otherwise arbitrary deadline that passed midway through my 29th year. Now it would seem all of this has just been a waste, but fortunately a waste of not very much, and now I can go on living with the knowledge that the end could occur for me at any time. Knowing my luck I’ll get knocked off my bike one film away from finishing. Anyway, speaking of films, here’s what I watched over the past week: Continue reading